

One of the things Andrea wanted to do while in Oslo was to visit the Icebar. Pictures describe it better than words can – take a look!

Andrea posing in her cape – it’s all about the cape!

Do you think I’ll like this?

The drink menu comes on a spray can!

Good times at the Icebar :)

6 thoughts on “Icebar!

    1. Andrea Amundson Post author

      It was more like Ice-walk in freezer than anything, but the ice walls were what made it cool. There were also some ice statues that I didn’t post pictures of.

  1. Keri

    OMG! That’s one of the things I want to do when I go to Antarctica! Whoo hooo!! I’m in awe and bowing to you both. What an awesome experience.

  2. Olsie

    This is so cool! Looks like fun! How long we’re you able to stay here without freezing your a$$es off?!

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